The ritual of lighting candles dates back to the early Egyptians when candles were used not only to get rid of darkness but also as a way to connect with the Almighty. From ancient to contemporary times candles have undergone a drastic change in their sizes, shapes, colors, scents and containers but one thing still remains the same, the mysticism connected with them. Scented candles are known to have remarkable power and energy that many are still unaware of.
Candle magic is one of the simplest forms of spellcasting, and as such, it doesn’t require a lot of fancy ritual or ceremonial tools. In other words, anyone with a candle can cast a spell. Think back to when you made a wish before you blew out the candles on your birthday cake. The same idea applies to candle magic, only instead of just hoping for your wish to come true, you’re declaring your intent.
Lighting scented candles has been a general custom or practice in families, cultures and traditions practiced across the globe. Scented candles have the great power to bring about serenity and comfort for all. At times candles help a person to meditate and give expression to inner thoughts and feelings that were otherwise eluding him or her.Moreover, scented candles give positive vibes and positive energy whether the intent behind lighting them is just for enhancing the environment, at the church or for a sick family member. They certainly prove to be an enchantment calming you down whatever the circumstances.
Candle Colors
When it comes to colors, you may wish to have a variety on hand for different magical purposes. Typically, color correspondences for candle magic are as follows:
- Red: Courage and health, vitality, sexual love, and lust
- Pink: Friendship Positive self love, harmony, joy and sweet love
- Orange: Attraction Stimulation and encouragement
- Gold: Male energy, Solar energy, Financial gain, business endeavors, and solar connections
- Yellow: Mental Clarity, Creativity, Clairvoyance, Confidence, Persuasion and protection
- Green: Financial gain, Health
- abundance, and fertility
- Light Blue: Health, patience, and understanding
- Dark Blue: Meditation, Healing, Forgiveness, Depression and vulnerability
- Purple: Spiritual Awareness, Tranquility, Wisdom, Ambition and power
- Brown: Earth-related or animal-relatedworkings
- Black: Protection, Negativity and banishment
- White: Destruction of negative energy, Purity and truth
- Silver: Goddess of feminine energy, Reflection, intuition, and lunar connections
Candles represent faith and hope. They add a warmth and sense of welcome and serenity to a home.
Lighting a candle is a highly spiritual, symbolic act opening up an etheric gateway and acting as a portal to the celestial realms. Through its fiery essence, it breaks the veil between the physical world and higher dimensional realities, and forms a bridge between ones own spirit and Greater Spirit.
It is a way in which to connect with a higher consciousness, and that of your own. It enters you into a space of returning to where you are from and recognizing that you are in fact a spiritual entity encompassing a human body. It has the power to raise and heighten your spiritual awareness.
Using Your Candle in Ritual
After you’ve selected a candle, oil or dress it before burning. This is a method by which you’ll establish a psychic link between you and the candle itself. In other words, you’re charging the candle with your own energy and personal vibrations and projecting your intent into the wax before you burn it.
After you light your candle and set your intentions, you can also say some prayers, affirmations, and meditate. Tuning in to your own intuition will allow you to find clarity, inspiration and purpose, as well as receive guidance as to which steps to take. Listen to the quiet whispers and nudges over the next while, and pay attention to signs.